Capacity 4
Participate and mentor in
educational communities
to support learning
February 2012
As I have mentioned, to me this capacity has a lot in common with the second one. I have been trying to figure out the difference and really it comes down to one word found in this, the fourth capacity, that isn't found in the other one; that word is "mentor".
And I think that is why I find myself more drawn to this capacity.
I have always loved sharing with others, and over the past year, I feel I have really taken on the role as teacher leader and have started to really mentor other teachers: at my school, in the district and more recently, even outside of my school district.
Yesterday, I mediated my very first twitter chat. I promoted it for about a week using the hashtag #geniushour and other educational hashtags and then spent an hour mediating a conversation about using Genius Hour in the classroom. It was so exciting! I loved being able to share my successes (and my lessons learned the hard way) with teachers across N America. I also started a wiki yesterday so that educators can share documents and experiences regarding Genius Hour as well.
It has been an exciting year for me!
As I have mentioned, to me this capacity has a lot in common with the second one. I have been trying to figure out the difference and really it comes down to one word found in this, the fourth capacity, that isn't found in the other one; that word is "mentor".
And I think that is why I find myself more drawn to this capacity.
I have always loved sharing with others, and over the past year, I feel I have really taken on the role as teacher leader and have started to really mentor other teachers: at my school, in the district and more recently, even outside of my school district.
Yesterday, I mediated my very first twitter chat. I promoted it for about a week using the hashtag #geniushour and other educational hashtags and then spent an hour mediating a conversation about using Genius Hour in the classroom. It was so exciting! I loved being able to share my successes (and my lessons learned the hard way) with teachers across N America. I also started a wiki yesterday so that educators can share documents and experiences regarding Genius Hour as well.
It has been an exciting year for me!
December 2011
The more I think about this capacity, the more it seems the same to me as number 2. I feel that collaborating is really the same as participating. So, as I have said, I love collaborating....and I love participating in the different communities that I am a part of (our cohort, my grade group, my school). I am also, as I said regarding capacity 2, really enjoying being able to help out my coworkers with technology. I love sharing ideas that I have come across with them, so that they can also integrate technology into their teaching. That has really been one of the most enjoyable aspects of all of this :)
October 2011
At our last PRO D day I was a mentor
and I taught a half day session on
creating a class website & shared with the rest of the staff ay my school what I have already accomplished within my field study.
Since my presentation it is my understanding that many more divisions have class websites now.
The more I think about this capacity, the more it seems the same to me as number 2. I feel that collaborating is really the same as participating. So, as I have said, I love collaborating....and I love participating in the different communities that I am a part of (our cohort, my grade group, my school). I am also, as I said regarding capacity 2, really enjoying being able to help out my coworkers with technology. I love sharing ideas that I have come across with them, so that they can also integrate technology into their teaching. That has really been one of the most enjoyable aspects of all of this :)
October 2011
At our last PRO D day I was a mentor
and I taught a half day session on
creating a class website & shared with the rest of the staff ay my school what I have already accomplished within my field study.
Since my presentation it is my understanding that many more divisions have class websites now.