David Truss: Shifting Learning
Anyway, what struck my about this slide was not only how cool their projects are, but the verbs that describe what his students are doing:
- designing
- improving
- developing
- inventing
- creating
He really sums it up well on this slide, when he asks the question: "What do students 'do' at school?"
Thanks for inspiring me, Dave! Learn more about what Dave Truss does on his blog.
Joan Young: Facilitating “Wow” Learning through Humor, Novelty, Awe, and Fascination
- classroom environment engineer
- class photographer (which can give the pictures to the class tweeter if you have a class twitter account)
- blogger
- music manager
I love these ideas! And as Joan notes, it definitely fosters a sense of community. Students love sharing their learning and being the class tweeter, blogger, etc.
Check out the rest of Joan's presentation here and her blog here.
Denise Krebs: The World Needs Your Contribution--Really! How my PLN Changed Everything
- inquiry projects
- concept based learning
- allowing students to create projects based on learning outcomes
- Genius Hour
- choice in presentation style
Honestly, I could go on and on...but instead, I encourage you to check out the list of recordings here and watch some of the great webinars yourself!
Thank you to the folks at The Future of Education for putting on such a great conference!
Have you watched any of the webinars? I would love it if you shared your favourite learning moments below!