I thought a lot about it...what does it mean to me? And is it important? And why?
And I realized that my whole transformation as an educator is because of my digital literacy. Two years ago I began a quest to improve as an educator. I wanted to take my teaching to the next level. I thought that meant integrating technology and so that is what I aimed to do...I was going to be a fabulous teacher because I was going to do all kinds of awesome, techy things with my class! I signed up for twitter, registered for the ITDA program at SFU and started this blog. And amazing things happened. I became more digitally literate, but more importantly, I met all of YOU -- I became a connected educator.
And so, I think what I have come to realize, is that it is not digital literacy that makes us better and stronger educators (people?) but it is the amazing connections that we can now make because of our digital literacy that is really more important.