I feel newly inspired!! I just switched school districts and am so excited to be the new vice principal at Talmey in Richmond (an AMAZING district--check out their strategic plan here). I had 19 wonderful years in Surrey but this new, fresh start in Richmond has re-ignited me! Totally reminds me that change is so good. Another thing that has inspired me is listening to podcasts. Since I have a bit of a commute to work, I have started listening to podcasts in the car. Today I listened to Tim Cavey interview Rose Pillay on the Teachers on Fire podcast. They talked about blogging and reflecting on our learning and it totally reminded me of how much I used to love it. So here I am. Ready to begin again. I am excited. One thing Rose said on the podcast which stayed with me was that teaching was a team sport. It totally is and I just love being able to connect with team-members on twitter, blogs, and in person!! Thank you Tim and Rose for sharing your enthusiasm--it is certainly contagious!
Next post coming soon.