-Addison, Grade 6
In the quote above, Addison has summarized nicely how we do Identity Day at Brookside Elementary. Basically we divide up the school into an A group and a B group and then group B gets to explore group A's identity day projects in a gallery walk format and then after an hour we switched and group A got to explore group B's projects*. What your Identity Day project looked like was primarily up to each student. We asked them to bring in an artifact or two that represented who they are/what they were passionate about. Some students also created posters to go along with their artifacts, some created special displays, some rehearsed mini-speeches to go along with their artifacts, etc.
One project that really stood out was by a grade 7 student. Her passion was self-love and helping others develop a positive self-image, and as her artifact she brought a mirror attached to a poster and a pile of positive mantra statements on little pieces of paper. As students visited her station, she had them pick a mantra and then read it to themselves while looking at their reflection in the mirror. The caption above the mirror reads: "Look into the mirror. Think about a feature you appreciate about yourself." Are you feeling what I was feeling? So. Amazing.
There were so many great projects that I cannot list them all, but I did learn that we sure do have a talented bunch of students at our school: artists, musicians, athletes, scientists, book enthusiasts, lego enthusiasts, singers, engineers, and more!
I am so thrilled that I was able to join a school that values each and every student and allows them the space and the time to share who they are with all of their schoolmate. It was such a special day.
I would love to hear about how other schools roll out Identity Day. Or do you something similar to celebrate your students? Please comment! I would love to learn from you.